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首頁 > 服務優(yōu)勢工作中快速學習的秘訣在哪里?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2019-12-30

Now that all industries, companies, and business models have changed a lot, the ability to learn new things quickly becomes a key factor in success. In this article, Xiaobian shares several points to help you quickly improve your learning ability.
Achieving career success is a gradual process, and you need to constantly upgrade and develop your skills and abilities to help you cope with increasingly important job responsibilities and to make use of your value in your position. The basic ability is the ability to learn. The faster you learn, the faster you get new opportunities. There are many factors that affect your learning ability. The following are good practical help effects.
Regard yourself as a student
One marketing executive once described himself as: "Although I am a mentor at this stage of my career, I still consider myself as a student first. I still have a lot of things to learn. When you think that way, you won't be complacent with what you think you know and pay more attention to what you still have to learn.
It's important for everyone that you keep learning and growing with a down-to-earth attitude, especially when you're at the beginning of your career. In our company, new staff must speed up their contribution. Especially when they are completely new to the workplace, when they are new to the job, I will give them a few personal and career development advice.


Personally, I think it's meaningless to spend time on how excellent you are. What good is this thinking for you? You spend a lot of time thinking about how good you are and how successful you are, and you're pretty disappointed when someone tells you it's not. I don't waste time thinking about how good I am or how beautiful my work is. I spend time thinking about how I can do things better and what I need to do to do better.
How others evaluate me basically does not affect my evaluation of myself. The most important thing is to distinguish what is a good job from what is not, and to identify what kind of work environment you are in.
自豪感 vs 自滿
Pride vs complacency
Successful people are full of pride. For myself, I am proud of my family background and my Chinese origin. But complacency is another matter, and it will have a considerable negative impact. Complacent people are usually less likely to listen to other people's criticism. They are defensive and overly sensitive to what others think of them. As a result, they will not be a good listener, nor can they be very good at observing others. Too much pride, or even conceit, prevents smart people from using their talents to the full, because conceit interferes with their ability to learn, prevents them from seeking advice and help, and identifies their mistakes. So you have to distinguish between pride and conceit, and then analyze to what extent you belong.
From a management point of view, the hardest employees to manage are those who are conceited, especially when they don't understand what they don't know. They do not know their own shortcomings, and do not think deeply about many things. Usually, they don't know what they need to do from my improvement. Their stubbornness makes it hard for them to accept what you teach them. As a manager, the time and manager you deal with such people are usually very limited.
People who achieve high achievers usually have the most critical criticism of themselves. Similarly, you need to give yourself the harshest appraisal. For me, no matter what others say about me, I have already said something similar to myself. I think no one should be more severe than me. In this way, I can better learn from the outside world and not overreact. If you can accept it, it will help you to improve your performance.