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來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2019-12-30

Vocational interest is a person's attitude toward work, the ability to adapt to work, as shown by the desire and interest to engage in related work, occupational interest will increase personal job satisfaction, occupational stability and sense of professional achievement. According to Holland's authoritative classification method of professional interests, Knowledgemet. com classifies professional interests into six types: conventional, artistic, practical, research, social and managerial.
Vocational interest is based on a certain quality as a prerequisite, in the process of career practice gradually occurred and developed. Its formation is closely related to individual personality, self-ability, practical activities, objective environment and historical conditions. Therefore, the exploration of interest in career planning can not be carried out in isolation, but should be considered in combination with individual, family and social factors. Understanding these factors is conducive to a better understanding of themselves and career planning.
1, personal needs and personality
But no matter what people's interests are, they are all based on needs, and people will be interested in what they need. Because people's needs include physical needs and social needs or material needs and spiritual needs, people's interests are also expressed in these two aspects. Human physiological needs or material needs are generally temporary and easy to satisfy. For example, when a person is interested in a particular food or clothing, he or she will be satisfied if he or she eats and wears it; while his social or spiritual needs are permanent, stable and growing, such as interpersonal communication, interest in literature and art, and participation in social life are long-term, lifelong and constantly pursued. Yes. Interest is generated on the basis of needs and developed on the basis of needs.

Some people have higher tastes of interest and hobbies, others have lower tastes of interest and hobbies. The level of interest and tastes of hobbies will be influenced by one's personality characteristics. For example, a person's elegant personality will be interested in public welfare activities, willing to help others, interested in elegant music, art; on the contrary, a person's low personality, will be interested in taking advantage of small, vulgar literary and artistic works of interest.
2, personal knowledge and emotion
Lack of interest is closely related to personal knowledge and emotion. If a person does not know something, he will not have emotions, and therefore will not be interested in it. Similarly, if a person lacks some kind of professional knowledge, or does not understand the profession at all, then he can not be interested in the profession, in career planning did not expect. On the contrary, the more profound the cognition, the richer the emotion, the deeper the interest.
3. Family environment
As the most basic social unit, the family has an important impact on the psychological development of everyone, so the development of personal professional psychology has a strong social characteristics, the influence of family environment on the formation of their professional interests has a very obvious guiding role. Most people feel their parents'professional activities in the family environment from childhood. With the growth of their age, they gradually form their own understanding of the value of their profession, which inevitably brings the imprint of family education when choosing a career. The influence of family factors on career orientation is mainly reflected in the convergence of jobs and negotiation.
Generally speaking, individuals are familiar with the career of family members, especially the elders, which has a certain convergence effect on career planning and career choices. At the same time, individual career decision-making is more or less based on family members'common consultation. Interest is sometimes influenced by heredity, and parents' interests will have a direct impact on children.
4. Education level
The degree of personal education is an important factor affecting their vocational interest. Any social occupation objectively demands knowledge and skills of employees, and the level of individual knowledge and skills depends to a great extent on the degree of education. Generally speaking, the higher the educational level, the wider the scope of Vocational training, the wider the field of career orientation.
5, social factors
On the one hand, the influence of public opinion on personal professional interests is mainly reflected in government policy orientation, traditional culture, social fashion and so on. The propaganda of the government's employment policy is the dominant factor, and the traditional employment concept and employment mode often restrict the individual's career choice, while the social fashion career is always the goal pursued by individuals, especially young people. For example, computer technology and tourism have been greatly developed, and the number of people interested in these two professions has increased rapidly.
On the other hand, interests and hobbies are restricted by society. People of different environments, occupations and cultural levels have different interests and hobbies.
6, career needs
Career demand is the total demand of employees for different occupational positions provided by employers in a certain period of time. It is an objective factor affecting personal professional interest. The more career demands and the wider categories, the greater the room for individuals to choose careers. Career needs have certain orientation to individual's career interest. Under certain conditions, it can strengthen individual's career choice, restrain individual's unrealistic career orientation, and guide individual to produce new career orientation.
Finally, changes in age and changes in the age will also have a direct impact on people's interests. In terms of age, children are often interested in painting, singing and dancing, youth is interested in literature, art, adulthood is often interested in a certain profession, a certain kind of native works. It reflects that the center of a person's interest shifts with age and knowledge accumulation. In terms of the times, different times, different material and cultural conditions, will also have a great impact on the changes in people's interests.