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首頁 > 新聞資訊如何判斷候選人是否對崗位滿意
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2022-12-05
In the process of searching for candidates, headhunters will make many calls and contact many candidates. However, not every candidate who answers the phone is interested in the position you recommend. Then, how to judge whether the candidate is satisfied with the position you recommended? Shandong Headhunting Company has something to say.
See if the candidate is cooperative with your questions.
Although the initial contact between the headhunter and the candidate is mostly done over the phone, the attitude of the candidate over the phone can actually explain many problems.
Some candidates, out of politeness, even though they do not have the idea of changing jobs, will still talk to the headhunters when they receive a call. The headhunter will give a brief introduction to the position on the phone, and also ask some questions about the selection.
The attitude of the candidate to answer the question is enough to indicate whether he is satisfied with the recommended position. If you find that the candidate is very cooperative, he has answered your questions carefully, and is willing to make an appointment for a detailed discussion even if it is inconvenient at that time, then the candidate is very promising.
If the other person has a mild attitude, but is not willing to answer your questions, then in nine cases out of ten, he is not interested in the position you recommend.
See if the candidate is willing to talk about his/her work experience.
The headhunter contacts the candidate, which is not only the process of introducing the position information, but also the process of understanding the candidate's work ability. To understand a person's work ability is nothing more than to understand the person's work experience, project experience, etc.
If the candidate you contact is willing to talk to you about his/her work experience, and introduce to you the positions he/she has held, the projects he/she has done, or various work achievements, then the candidate should have a job hopping idea
。 If the candidate hesitates about his work experience or gives a very short answer, then in his opinion, the job you recommended is not enough for him to tell all his past experiences. At this time, you should not spend your time and energy on such candidates.
It is a long process to find the right candidate, and those who are interested in knowing your recommended position may only be in single digits. Focus on candidates who are interested in the position. Only in this way can headhunters save time and effort. Come to our website for more information http://americangoldsavings.com Consult!