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首頁 > 新聞資訊獵頭在職位信息多維確認方面的優(yōu)勢
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2022-11-25
At present, in the headhunting market, the vacant positions that enterprises put on the headhunting companies to look for are basically urgent and difficult to find, and the authenticity of the positions is very high. Do you know the advantages of headhunters in multi-dimensional confirmation of position information? The following Jinan headhunters come out through comparative analysis.
Headhunters -- Job information confirmation includes many processes:
Enterprise scale confirmation, enterprise environment inspection, position competency confirmation, position responsibility confirmation, superior subordinate relationship confirmation, salary and benefits confirmation, interview process confirmation, etc. The headhunting company will go to the company for field inspection and confirm relevant information with the enterprise's human resources department and employing department.
Some core job hunters will directly invite the boss of the enterprise for an interview. The headhunters will directly communicate with the relevant decision-makers, at least the key persons, in the whole process of information confirmation, so that they can obtain real and effective job information. At the same time, as a third party, the headhunter will objectively explain the advantages and disadvantages to the candidate, so as to reduce the job risk for the candidate.
Self searching -- obtaining position information
The information obtained mainly from job introductions through online channels and telephone communication with the HR department of the enterprise in the later stage is often not three-dimensional, because it is difficult for the HR department of the enterprise to establish sufficient trust with the candidate in a limited time and will not tell the candidate the true and objective information of the company.
Even in order to complete the recruitment task as soon as possible, they will only say that the company is good, so many candidates generally feel that there is a big gap after they enter the job. They seem to fall into a hole, as if they were deceived, and they will not do it for long.
In fact, the essence of headhunters is to serve enterprises and candidates, and provide better detailed, true and effective communication for enterprises and candidates on position information and candidate information. If you have any needs, please contact us http://americangoldsavings.com !