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首頁 > 新聞資訊企業(yè)與獵頭公司合作過程存在的問題
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-12-29
1. 如果候選人在異地,那差旅費(fèi)成本由誰來承擔(dān)?
1. If the candidate is in a different place, who will bear the travel cost?
The geographical composition of the talent market. Candidates suitable for the development needs of enterprises are in different places, which is a common situation in headhunting recruitment. If the candidate is in a different place, there will be two situations in the interview, one is the headhunting consultant to the candidate's city, and the other is the candidate to the enterprise's city. Either way, it will increase the interview cost - travel expenses. Who will bear this part of the cost?
The headhunter will go to the candidate for interview, and the headhunter company will communicate with the enterprise, The travel expenses of headhunting consultants shall be paid by the enterprise (not included in the headhunting service fee). When a candidate goes to the enterprise for an interview, the enterprise generally bears the responsibility, because this can reflect the enterprise's attention and respect for the candidate. However, the enterprise does not agree to bear the cost. The headhunting consultant should advise the enterprise to fully communicate with the candidate through other means, and then make an appointment with the candidate after both parties have a clear intention Interview, then the cost is not a problem.
2. 獵頭公司為什么要收預(yù)付款?
2. Why does the headhunting company receive advance payment?
The advance payment is the deposit, which is paid by the enterprise to the headhunting company after the hunting contract is signed, but why pay this advance payment?
1) Talent hunting cooperation is a project for which both enterprises and headhunting companies are responsible;
2) In the process of searching, the headhunting company can't control how many objective factors, but the headhunting company still pays a lot of energy and operation cost for this cooperation;
A successful cooperation requires full communication with each other. Feed back various problems encountered in the hunting process to the enterprise, listen to relevant opinions, and discuss with the enterprise until a good operation method is found to ensure the normal progress of the service. If the recommendation is still unsuccessful after repeated communication between both parties, the headhunting company will indicate the hunting report to the enterprise and put forward opinions and suggestions, so the headhunting company will charge a certain advance payment.
3. 同時(shí)與多家獵頭公司合作,招聘效率不是更高嗎?
3. Isn't it more efficient to cooperate with multiple headhunting companies at the same time?
Because headhunting companies charge for services first, many enterprises will cooperate with multiple headhunting companies at the same time. They all think that this can improve the recruitment efficiency. In fact, it is not because the industry talent market will not become larger because of more headhunting companies. In the face of the same position, it is possible that multiple companies have found the same candidate, which not only does not improve the recruitment efficiency, It also puts headhunters in an awkward position.
4. What will the headhunter do if the candidate changes his mind?
Headhunting consultants will sort out career plans with candidates based on rich knowledge and career experience. Therefore, candidates confirm that their employment is determined by maturity and generally will not give up easily. However, there are still many objective reasons that lead the candidate to give up the offer. At this time, the headhunter will communicate with the candidate in time, understand and help him solve the immediate problems and put forward solutions. If the candidate still chooses to give up after communication, the headhunter will race against time to hunt down a suitable candidate.
5. How many rounds of enterprise interview are you still dissatisfied with?
Before hunting cooperation, the headhunting company will conduct sufficient research on the enterprise and sort out the portrait of the enterprise's talent needs, but it is not in place at once. The headhunting company will maintain good communication with the enterprise, reconstruct the talent portrait in the enterprise's feedback and opinions, and screen it for many times, so as to ensure that the talents hunted in the follow-up are consistent with the requirements of the enterprise. At the same time, if in the process of hunting candidates, it is found that there is a deviation from the requirements of the enterprise and the talent market, the headhunter will also communicate with the enterprise customers in time, explain the situation, put forward corresponding measures and adjust the required contents.
If, after many interviews, the enterprise still does not find suitable talents, the headhunter needs to make relevant explanations to the enterprise on the follow-up work and put forward relevant suggestions. Due to the particularity of the industry or some objective reasons, headhunting companies will continue to provide services to enterprise customers until they find suitable talents.