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首頁 > 新聞資訊年輕人要怎么選擇職業(yè)?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-12-21
Are you in this state? When you are listless at work and the alarm clock in your heart has begun to fall, work depends on time. As soon as the time comes, the whole person immediately gets up and puts himself into his own life. If so, it means that you are engaged in a job you don't like at all.
It is understood that many people are dissatisfied with their current career. And some people think that it doesn't matter to engage in the work they don't like. Work is work and interest is interest. Work is just to meet the needs of survival. Interest can be done in their spare time. These people clearly distinguish between work and private affairs, which is actually very painful.
We can calculate an account. We have to rest 24 hours a day, 7-8 hours a day, 2-3 hours for three meals a day (this does not include meals to chat), and 1-2 hours for shuttling between the company and the house (for many people, it may take longer). In this way, more than half of the time is reduced. You always have to leave some time to deal with some chores, buy some daily necessities, chat with friends and lovers or carry out some emotional activities, etc. if you subtract these time, does the 8 hours of work look particularly precious? In fact, I work In their lives, they occupy a considerable proportion. If your job is not what you like, you spend a large part of your life doing things you don't like at all. How sad will it be? How happy you would be if you could take work as a private matter, work hard and even forget the passage of time!
For a large number of job seekers every year, how should they choose their own career? Yasuda Jiasheng, an internationally renowned recruitment expert, put forward a point of view. He said he would ask people about to work a question: "if your life will end in a year, do you want to choose this company?" If you have only one year of life, you will not choose, and if you can choose after 60 years, I hope you will question your choice.
Now there is a common misunderstanding about job hunting, that is, when many people choose a career, they often consider not the career itself, but many other external factors, such as stability and security. Maybe this is why many people have to try their best to enter state-owned enterprises. I think to a large extent, this is the performance of a person's lack of self-confidence and sense of responsibility. The reason for seeking stability is that he is afraid of taking risks. But no matter what you do, there are risks and you should be responsible. Entering social work is like this.
How do young people choose a career? They put forward: "what kind of job they choose and what kind of life they choose". Therefore, setting a life goal is a prerequisite for choosing a job. First ask yourself what kind of life you want and how you want to live. For example, you are full of enthusiasm and ambition, like to accept new things and a challenging life, but you choose to work in a public institution as leisurely as a nursing home. Then your daily work has become a painful tug of war between your ideal and reality, and the results can only be two kinds: first, you compromise, your enthusiasm is gradually eroded, your ambition is gradually weakened, and slowly, you become dead.
Second, you still can't get used to such a life. After complex and long-term psychological struggle, you still choose to continue to struggle for your ideals, or choose the life you want. The cruel thing is, whether you can adapt to the fast-paced and competitive society at that time is unknown. Of course, it doesn't mean that institutions are bad. The key is whether they are suitable for you and whether that kind of life is what you want. Therefore, never choose a job for ease and stability and a good job in the eyes of others. When you choose a job, first of all, you must be attracted by the job itself. You love the lifestyle and state of life brought by the job.
Secondly, choosing a job depends on the added value that the job can bring you, not just the salary. Of course, salary is the material condition to ensure our living standards, but this is only for the current situation. For the future life, can a higher salary bring security? Of course, the answer is No. after all, the relatively high salary is limited, and it can't provide security for your future life. Therefore, it is ability, not money, that can guarantee your future living standard. To get real security, we can't rely on saving money, but on increasing capacity reserves.
If your ability reserve is improved, even if you want to leave your position and company due to various changes, you can immediately find a new job and continue to ensure your life in a new environment. For example, there is a job with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan and a job with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan. At first glance, many people will not hesitate to choose the latter. However, if the job with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan has high added value and can improve their ability, the actual value of the two jobs has changed 180 degrees. Therefore, we must pay attention to the growth space that your work can bring you, that is to see "real value".
You have to choose who to do it with. People will carefully choose the marriage object, but in the face of the choice of work object, it seems that the degree of attention is far from enough. In fact, the choice of work object is very important. A person spends no less time with his work object than his marriage object. For such a partner who needs to get along for a long time, it may be difficult to go in the long run if he is not a like-minded person. Working with people with the same values makes it easier to reach tacit understanding and consensus, which will make the work pleasant and relaxed and reduce many communication barriers. In this way, the work efficiency and work quality will be greatly improved. If you find like-minded partners, even if things change, the people who work together will not change.
In fact, the above three points are not only the principles that job seekers should uphold when choosing jobs, but also the problems that our employers should pay attention to when recruiting. First, whether the personality of job seekers is suitable for the working environment and working state given by the enterprise.
Secondly, in order to attract talents, in addition to being competitive in salary, we should also pay attention to developing the added value of positions and establishing smooth promotion channels. Enterprises should look for employees who have the same values as themselves, that is, employees who conform to the corporate culture.
I hope these three points can become guiding principles for both job seekers and employers.
The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan headhunting company. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://americangoldsavings.com