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首頁 > 新聞資訊獵頭做背景調(diào)查究竟要調(diào)查些什么?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-07-06
Background investigation refers to the employment relationship as the premise, through legal investigation channels and methods, to understand the candidate's personal basic information, past work background, ability and work performance, and form a comprehensive evaluation of the investigated personnel. It is an indispensable recruitment process in the employment process of enterprises.
When a candidate is about to be employed, headhunters need to do background checks on the candidates. This job will take a certain amount of time and energy, but it is still worth doing. If an enterprise enrolls people with untrue background, sometimes it will pay a huge price. Therefore, nowadays more and more enterprises require the recruiters to be back tuned, which has become one of the basic rules of headhunting industry.
1. The candidate's educational background
Now academic qualifications can be found on xuexin.com, and the candidate's certificate and other information can be found on the website of professional network. Theoretically, candidates will not fake their academic qualifications, but the reality is that there are still many candidates who take risks to fake their academic qualifications and calmly inquire about them. For headhunters, these are all hands lifting, and they are also responsible for the employed enterprises.
2. Investigation of work experience
It's easy for general candidates to have a lot of moisture in their work experience, which requires headhunters to understand the authenticity of the candidate's work experience through telephone, e-mail or even door-to-door visits, and through the previous leaders, colleagues and partners of the candidate, not only about the candidate's working time, work content, but also the position (title) of his work. For example, some candidates will add a new "black hat" to their positions in order to change jobs. They once worked as a manager, but they would say that they were a director in a small company, but they would say that they were in the world's top 500, so as to improve their gold content.
3. Interpersonal relationship
與同事相處怎么樣,在公司很受人歡迎還是常常被人私底下討論,做事方式會顧及到他人感受嗎?團隊精神怎么樣,是個喜歡以自我為中 心的人嗎?社交能力怎么樣,一個大企業(yè)需要接觸不同的客戶,是不會接受不會與他人打交道的一個候選人。
How do you get along with your colleagues? Are you very popular in the company or are you often discussed in private? Do you take other people's feelings into account in your way of doing things? How about team spirit? Do you like to be self-centered? How about social skills? A large enterprise needs to contact different customers. It will not accept a candidate who will not deal with others.
4. Reasons for leaving
This is a problem that is often covered up by candidates. In fact, it is not difficult for headhunters to find out the real reason. In some cases, there is no room for promotion in the original company, and the rising road is blocked by airborne troops. Some of them are in conflict with the direct leaders of the original company and often wear small shoes. Others are that the development direction of the original company is not in line with its own career planning. However, the main purpose of our understanding of the reasons for resignation is to see whether the candidate's resignation is abnormal, such as being expelled from the enterprise or having bad disputes with the enterprise because of his own interests, Enterprises will not employ this candidate.
5. Personal quality
候選人的個人品格是背景調(diào)查的一個重 點,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)候選人工作經(jīng)驗等信息有虛假情況、個人能力或者部門同事關系不和而被開除等,客戶企業(yè)一般則不予錄用,但是如果遇到惡意損害公司利益、盜取公司信息、財物等惡劣行為,企業(yè)就不僅僅是不錄用,還會把候選人加入黑名單,不會錄取。
The personal character of a candidate is a key point of background investigation. If a candidate is dismissed due to false information such as work experience, personal ability or discordant relationship with colleagues in the Department, the client enterprise will not employ him. However, if the company maliciously damages the company's interests, steals company information and property, the enterprise will not employ him, Candidates will also be blacklisted and will not be accepted.
在這個信息化時代,信息的傳遞已經(jīng)非常迅速、透明,大家都生活在一個“地球村”;大家在撰寫簡歷和面試時,可以允許適當?shù)男揎?、美化,但不能有虛假、欺騙行為,因為企業(yè)HR、獵頭通過背調(diào)很容易獲取你的真實信息。當然,優(yōu)異的候選人則不懼HR和獵頭的背景調(diào)查,反而背調(diào)后會讓他更有價值、更有競爭力,所以說,在職場中靠自己的能力打出天下,才是職場真 正的“道”。
In this information age, the transmission of information has been very fast and transparent, and everyone lives in a "global village"; When you write your resume and interview, you can allow appropriate embellishment and beautification, but you can't have false and deceptive behavior, because it's easy for HR and headhunter to get your true information through back tone. Of course, excellent candidates are not afraid of HR and headhunter's background investigation. On the contrary, they will be more valuable and competitive after being transferred back. Therefore, it is the real "kingcraft" in the workplace to rely on their own ability to play the world.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: Jinan headhunting company http://americangoldsavings.com 。