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首頁 > 新聞資訊資深獵頭顧問篩選簡歷的技巧?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-07-01
如何從大量的簡歷中篩選出與企業(yè)需求相匹配的候選人是獵頭基本功之一,雖然未曾謀面,但是從簡歷中也是能夠“識人”的,特別是從簡歷的表面信息中可以窺一斑而知全豹。獵頭資 深顧問現(xiàn)將求職簡歷中所常見的信息,進行分析并提出相關對策:
One of the basic skills of headhunters is how to select candidates that match the needs of enterprises from a large number of resumes. Although they have never met each other, they can also "know people" from their resumes, especially from the surface information of their resumes. The senior consultant of headhunting analyzes the common information in the resume and puts forward relevant countermeasures
1.在幾分鐘之內(nèi),連續(xù)發(fā)出兩份以上相同的簡歷:謹慎有余,不自信的表現(xiàn), 若無特別,不作考慮。
1. Within a few minutes, send out more than two identical resumes in succession: cautious, self-confident performance, without special consideration.
2.在就近一段時期限內(nèi)連續(xù)發(fā)出一份相同的簡歷:看重這份工作及所應聘的公司,只要條件與所應聘崗位的要求一致,可重 點考慮。
2. Send out the same resume continuously in the nearest period of time: if you value the job and the company you are applying for, as long as the conditions are consistent with the requirements of the position you are applying for, you can focus on it.
3. Do not write the specific name of the company, such as a large company: working, should fully respect their personal privacy.
4. If you make mistakes in all the positions you are applying for, you can also send letters to other companies: it's a serious mistake, "going to a doctor in a hurry". You don't know much about career planning. You can't forgive it. You can delete your resume at will.
5.喜用表格:有條理 ,有些崗位是特別需要這種人才的。
5. Like to use forms: well organized, some positions need this kind of talents.
6. There are symbols such as emphases and asterisks marked with important contents in the resume: maybe something should not be hidden, the outstanding ones are shown to others, and the shortcomings are hidden deeply.
7. How many tens of thousands of yuan can be saved: if the function of the team is not mentioned, it should be recommended to the employing department with caution.
8. Don't write about the position, just about the Department: don't dare to be specific, maybe it's a small person, with a swollen face.
9.職位不具體,只寫出“管理”、“業(yè)務”或列出虛職 :閃爍其詞,不敢具體化,注意各企業(yè)職務序列的不同,不實不具體,慎之亦可不選。
9. The position is not specific, just write "management", "business" or list the false position: evasive, dare not be specific, pay attention to the different job sequence of each enterprise, not real and specific, careful can not choose.
10. Be able to clearly write the credit references as the boss or superior of the company they work for: the performance of professional managers, dare to face up to their own course, can be valued temporarily.
11. Don't mention the treatment: junior or obedient, a little less confident.
12. Pay no less than how much price: challenging, this kind of person generally can post salary or match.
13. The training contents are complicated: a typical jack of all trades, perhaps his own career planning is not clear.
14. Since work, there is no time interval between the units that they work for: they don't have two masters in mind, at least they ride donkeys and watch horses. They are in a normal state, but the reason for resigning can be investigated.
15.除了寫自己的身高、體重外還寫出血型、星座:新新人類型,主次不清, 只能適合一些較低層次的崗位。
15. In addition to his height and weight, he also wrote his blood type and Constellation: the type of new person, whose priority is not clear, can only be suitable for some lower level posts.
16. There are life maxims and so on: as long as it's not echoing, it's right to insist, but the team is more and more important.
The above may be partial, but it can also be summarized as 7788, which is also worth learning.