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首頁 > 新聞資訊獵頭顧問如何挖人?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-04-20
Excellent talents are often highly educated, experienced and skilled in the workplace. We headhunting consultants can also recommend jobs for excellent talents, but those excellent talents often do not lack jobs. So when digging people, don't feel superior, let alone condescending. So how to dig people?
1、 Reflect value.
How many excellent customers, familiar HR or boss, similar talents you have served, industry development, industry data, industry future trend, and even some good industry stories, etc. Speak out to reflect your professional, with a professional to get trust. Just imagine an excellent talent with a good salary in the state-owned enterprise safely spent 10 years. You said: "come to our company to work, the annual salary is 10W more than before you", he can only ha ha. You will find that he will not be moved because you have not given him enough trust.
2、 Transposition thinking.
人才不同年齡階段有不同的重 點需求。不同性格的人關注點也不一樣。橫向和縱向都有變化。把握人選的需求要點的確很難,而這也是衡量一個獵頭是否是高手的重要評判。
Different age groups of talents have different key needs. People with different personalities have different concerns. There are changes in both horizontal and vertical directions. It's really difficult to grasp the key points of candidates' needs, which is also an important judgment to judge whether a headhunter is an expert.
3、 Communication skills.
有的顧問很聰敏,洞察人心,對人才的剖析十分到位。迫不及待的在與人才溝通時展現(xiàn)的淋漓 盡致,但是后面卻是杳無音信,人才不為所動。有的人需要慢慢交往、有的人期望被你感動、有的人喜歡聽到好聽的、有的人喜歡直接了當..... 每個人都是矛盾體,每個個體都是不一樣的。溝通是門大的學問,多了解一點、總結一點收獲就多一點。
Some consultants are very intelligent, insightful and have a thorough analysis of talents. I can't wait to communicate with talents incisively and vividly, but there is no news behind, and the talents are not moved. Some people need to communicate slowly, some people expect to be moved by you, some people like to hear nice things, some people like to be straightforward... Everyone is a contradiction, and each individual is different. Communication is a big learning. If you know more, summarize more, you will gain more.
Thank you for your reading. I hope the above content will be helpful to you. If you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: Shandong headhunting company http://americangoldsavings.com .