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首頁 > 新聞資訊畢業(yè)季如何對待你的份工作?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-02-16
“一份工作是你正式踏入社會的一個階石,也是對你的人生規(guī)劃及對待社會有著重要的影響力。”說的沒有錯。但是對于許多剛畢業(yè)的同學來說,他們往往對自己、社會都不了解。更無從談起自己的人生規(guī)劃。記得畢業(yè)前老師說:“先就業(yè),再擇業(yè)”。 先自己的吃飯問題,在以后的工作中,逐漸心智成熟,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己需要,追求自己的喜歡。
"A job is not only a stepping stone for you to enter the society, but also an important influence on your life planning and social treatment." There's nothing wrong with that. But for many newly graduated students, they often do not understand themselves and the society. There's no way to talk about your life plan. I remember that before graduation, the teacher said: "first employment, then career.". First to solve their own eating problems, in the future work, gradually mature, find their own needs, pursue their own likes.
但是一份工作不是“迫不得已”的選擇,更不能饑不擇食,那樣只會浪費自己的青春。先根據(jù)自己選擇擅長的行業(yè),不然過高的入行門檻只會打消自己的信心。另外要端正態(tài)度。只有在勤奮的工作中,才能成長,只有拼盡全力中才知道自己到底是否合適。只有在全神貫注中,才知道才能發(fā)現(xiàn)自己是否有更多亮點。工作就是為別人為社會服務。創(chuàng)造價值的同事體檢自己的價值。 有的同學任憑自己興趣,不面對現(xiàn)實,工作之事不重視,不用心。心懷游戲之心卻做工作青銅之事。這樣在純粹的溫飽問題之時,浪費了大好時光。有的好高騖遠,不掃天下之屋更不掃一家之屋。長期以往,停滯不前,空虛無聊。
But a job is not a "forced" choice, not to be greedy, it will only waste their youth. First according to their choice of good at the industry, otherwise the high threshold will only undermine their confidence. In addition, we should have a correct attitude. Only in hard work, can we grow up, and only when we do our best, can we know whether we are suitable or not. Only when you are fully absorbed can you find out if you have more bright spots. Work is to serve others and society. Colleagues who create value check their own value. Some students let their own interests, do not face the reality, do not pay attention to work, do not pay attention. Play with the heart, but work with the heart. This is a waste of good time in solving the problem of food and clothing. Some are ambitious, not sweeping the house of the world, let alone the house of a family. For a long time, it was stagnant, empty and boring.
In a job, you have to learn to recognize the society. Although it is not the slavery or feudal society before, this society is full of competition. Interests permeate every space, and the relationship between people is no longer as good as that in University. You have to learn to protect yourself.
I know some basic skills. For different industries, such as office. Typing speed, word / Excel / PPT, use of copier, basic maintenance of operating system, network security knowledge, etc. Understand the general business process. Lay a foundation for future career and promotion.
The chance encounter may be well arranged, most of the jobs may be difficult, but as students who are thirsty for a job, they should not ignore their due legal protection.
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Life is short and extraordinary. Your future will live up to your full every day.