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首頁 > 新聞資訊為什么“勝任力”是尋找有效人力的方法!
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:創(chuàng)始人 日期:2024-01-23


In fact, competence is not a unfamiliar term for domestic human resource management. Simply put, competence refers to the potential traits of employees that can bring effective or outstanding results, including motivation, personality, skills, self perception, social roles, and knowledge structure. It is understood that many Chinese companies have come into contact with this term of human resource management, and some have already established their own competency models and are gradually implementing them.



The results confirmed by an enterprise's narrative description of the job competency of a position or a group can be called a competency model. The competency model is likely to replace the previous job description and become the basis of all human resource management activities. The application of this model will greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise recruitment, employment, training and development, performance evaluation, reward and promotion.


For a long time, job descriptions and job descriptions have been the foundation of all human resource management activities in enterprises. However, traditional job descriptions only focus on describing the job itself, while competency models place more emphasis on people rather than work, and focus more on results rather than job content. Therefore, they will have more obvious advantages compared to job descriptions.


Taking the recruitment activities of enterprises as an example, traditional recruitment is based on job descriptions of job vacancies to find those who can complete the job. However, if competency models are applied in recruitment, enterprises can find internally efficient employees in the same position, identify common traits from them, and use them as recruitment goals and screening criteria. Alternatively, these efficient employees can be directly encouraged to recommend friends similar to them, so that the candidates sought by enterprises will undoubtedly be more suitable for their needs;


Similarly, in personnel selection, the use of competency models can also bring more effective results. Nowadays, companies generally set interview questions based on job responsibilities and job requirements, evaluate them one by one based on their abilities and experiences, and find suitable candidates. By applying competency models during selection, companies can first identify outstanding and efficient model employees, and then search for candidates with similar traits to model employees. They select and eliminate candidates according to their level of matching with model employees, which not only ensures the reliability of candidates, but also reflects the objectivity and fairness of the selection process and standards.


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