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首頁 > 新聞資訊對新員工進行入職背景調(diào)查的理由
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2023-05-15
At present, background checks are often mentioned in the workplace. Some large and legitimate companies now require this part of the recruitment module to conduct background checks on some new employees. Background checks have become an essential part of the recruitment process for many enterprises. So what is the significance of background checks? Why do we need to conduct a background check on new employees? Below, Jinan Headhunting Company will analyze for you:
In fact, in the recruitment process of enterprises, HR usually uses methods such as written tests, interviews, and machine tests to assess whether job seekers meet the needs of the enterprise. However, some deep-seated aspects of job seekers cannot be explored in a short period of time. Moreover, candidates may engage in beautification or falsification during interviews in order to better meet the recruitment requirements of the company.
Master the work history and situation of employees, understand their level of integrity, and reduce potential risks of the company in terms of funds, technical secrets, personnel turnover, etc. Especially in response to the current market situation, many job seekers resort to various means in order to pass the interview smoothly. In this situation, companies should be more cautious when recruiting new employees to avoid discovering that the goods are not the right ones and causing unnecessary losses to the company.
During the recruitment process, there is information asymmetry between recruiters and applicants, and there is insufficient understanding of the applicant's situation, limited to the resumes, copies of educational qualifications, and interview results provided by the other party. Such incidents often occur in enterprises, such as competitors sending people disguised as applicants to apply for key technical positions in competing companies, stealing technical secrets after entering the other company, and at the same time being the first to push products or technologies into the market, seizing market share, resulting in a decline in the core competitiveness of competing companies.
Of course, many other similar cases may occur in the practice of enterprises, mainly due to a lack of understanding of the candidate's background information, as well as the integrity and criminal record of the proposed employee. Such employees will continue their previous criminal behavior, causing direct economic losses to the enterprise.


By conducting background checks on applicants for core positions in the enterprise, we can fully understand the past experiences of the proposed employees, especially their work experience, educational background, work situation, evaluations from colleagues or the company, professional ethics, performance status, etc. We can gain a deeper understanding of the respondents' work abilities, integrity status, etc., which can effectively reduce the company's funds Risks to external personnel such as technology and personnel.
Through employee background investigation, a true understanding and confirmation of the resume content (education, certification, work experience, etc.) of the candidate is conducted, providing reference for human resources recruitment. At the same time, it is believed that the hired person meets the company's job requirements in terms of skills, integrity, professional ethics, etc. Through interviews with former colleagues, it is learned that the employee's personality matches that of their current colleagues, and ultimately achieves a job fit, Provide strong talent protection for the hiring department to boldly use new employees, avoiding the loss of company reputation and labor costs caused by frequent personnel turnover.
Therefore, objective, legal, and reasonable employee background checks can provide strong guarantees for the follow-up work of human resources in enterprises. For more related matters, come to our website http://americangoldsavings.com Consult!