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首頁(yè) > 新聞資訊適合做獵頭的人才需要具備那些素質(zhì)?
來(lái)源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2022-05-16
Headhunting companies give many people a mysterious feeling. Sandwiched between candidates and enterprises, they "deal with" enterprises and "chat" with candidates, select and evaluate talents, complete their performance, and obtain "high" rewards. Sounds very tall. Do you have one? So what kind of person is suitable for headhunting?
1. Toughness. It has many meanings, including persistence, persistence, perseverance, flexibility, diligence, pressure resistance and so on. For high-pressure work like headhunting, toughness is the best quality.
2. To be an excellent headhunter, you must have a strong desire to succeed. The ultimate desire can produce the ultimate driving force, which is the essential feature of headhunting. With clear goals and long motivation, we will try our best to achieve our goals.
3. Team spirit. This is no longer an era of single handedness. Headhunting companies are getting bigger and bigger, and one person's strength is very limited. In fact, mutual assistance is becoming more and more important for headhunters. Headhunting consultants need the help of leaders, assistants and colleagues. Lack of team spirit will greatly hinder the development of a consultant.
4. Active learning ability. Excellent headhunters of headhunting companies must be learning talents. Because most cases will be competed by many headhunters at the same time, it requires you to try your best to be one step ahead in each step: quickly understand the industry needs of customers; Quickly learn industry knowledge; Quickly understand the market situation of competitors; Quickly understand the work details and requirements; Quickly understand the technical details related to functions, etc.
There is no free lunch. This kind of high paying job is usually accompanied by high pressure. It may be easier to be a headhunter for a long time, but it is much more difficult for young headhunters who have just entered the industry and struggle under the heavy pressure of KPI. Many people enter the headhunting industry out of curiosity, but under pressure, they have no choice but to leave the industry. Under the bright appearance, it usually requires extraordinary efforts, which is headhunting.
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