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首頁 > 新聞資訊獵頭人才的神秘面紗有哪些?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-10-28
Propose talent proposal and contract signing
企業(yè)提出了其崗位需要的人才標(biāo)準(zhǔn),但并不一定是更準(zhǔn)確的,獵頭顧問會(huì)根據(jù)自己的調(diào)查資料分析和經(jīng)驗(yàn),提出一個(gè)自己理解的更適合該職位的人才建議書,大約描述出更適合該職位的人才輪廓:包括應(yīng)是什么年齡、學(xué)歷、性格特點(diǎn)、有哪些工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)、哪方面成功 背景等方面。獲得企業(yè)認(rèn)可后,便與企業(yè)約定一個(gè)人才搜索時(shí)間表,并報(bào)出獵才的,一般在該職位年薪25%?35%左右。這份人 才建議書在與企業(yè)磋商并得到認(rèn)可后,雙方便正式簽訂獵才委托合同,同時(shí)收取一定數(shù)額的預(yù)付金(一般是總費(fèi)用的30%)。
The enterprise has put forward the talent standard required by its position, but it is not necessarily the most accurate. According to its own survey data analysis and professional experience, the headhunting consultant will put forward a talent proposal that is most suitable for the position, and roughly describe the talent outline most suitable for the position, including what age, education background, personality characteristics, work experience Which aspect, success background, etc. After being recognized by the enterprise, they will agree with the enterprise on a talent search schedule and report the price of hunting talents. Generally, the annual salary of the position is 25%? About 35%. After the talent proposal is negotiated and approved with the enterprise, both parties will formally sign the talent hunting entrustment contract and charge a certain amount of advance payment (generally 30% of the total cost).
Develop a search list
接單后,項(xiàng)目小組便要制訂出更詳細(xì)的人才搜索方案,以更快的速度確定候選人才名單,這些名單一般從相關(guān)行業(yè)、相關(guān)職業(yè)、相似崗位中的人才中選出。先是篩選原有人才庫的人才資料,看是否有合適人選;如果沒有,則獵頭顧問通過在這個(gè)行業(yè)中的廣泛聯(lián)系而撒網(wǎng) 尋找,但據(jù)了解,一般獵頭公司70%?80%的真正成功的人才是原人才庫中沒有的。
After receiving the order, the project team should formulate a more detailed talent search scheme to determine the list of candidate talents as soon as possible. These lists are generally selected from talents in relevant industries, related occupations and similar positions. First, select the talent information of the original talent pool to see if there are suitable candidates; If not, headhunting consultants cast a net through extensive contacts in this industry, but it is understood that 70% of general headhunting companies? 80% of the talents who really recommend success are not in the original talent pool.
Search for talents
Then we will make telephone contact with the candidates to inquire about their intention to change jobs, show them the attractive conditions in all aspects of this new opportunity, and ask them if they are interested. If they are not interested, they usually don't pester them. Instead, they politely ask them to leave a copy of information to enrich the company's talent pool, and then continue to look for talents interested in this opportunity.
但對(duì)于一些高層人士,初次接觸以電話聯(lián)系卻往往效果不佳,因?yàn)槟壳霸S多高層經(jīng)理不太愿意在電話里對(duì)獵頭表示親近,深層原因是一些老板可能會(huì)冒充獵頭公司,試探他花費(fèi)高薪請(qǐng)到的經(jīng)理人是否忠誠(chéng)。人才會(huì)面一般是通過業(yè)界有影響力的兼職顧問(兼職獵手) 或者朋友進(jìn)行引薦,在保密而且優(yōu)雅的環(huán)境中會(huì)面。業(yè)內(nèi)人士還對(duì)人才特別提醒,接到獵頭電話后,更好先弄清對(duì)方身份后再與之表示親熱不遲,以免中了一些不仗義老板試探的招,槽沒跳成,留在原企業(yè)的日子也不好過。
However, for some high-level people, the effect of telephone contact for the first time is often poor, because at present, many high-level managers are reluctant to show closeness to headhunters on the phone. The deep reason is that some bosses may pretend to be headhunters to test whether the managers they pay high salaries are loyal. Senior talent meetings are generally introduced by influential part-time consultants (part-time hunters) or friends in the industry, and meet in a confidential and elegant environment. Industry insiders also remind talents that after receiving the headhunter's call, it's best to find out the identity of the other party first and then make love with it. It's not too late to avoid being tempted by some unscrupulous bosses. If the slot doesn't jump, it's not easy to stay in the original enterprise.
Interview and persuasion
聯(lián)絡(luò)到一批有意接觸的候選人才后,便是安排一個(gè)地點(diǎn)面談,見面時(shí)一般有個(gè)“小小要求”,就是帶齊簡(jiǎn)歷、證書之類,以便見面時(shí) 可以衡量其斤兩幾何。正式面試前,一般先由專攻測(cè)評(píng)技術(shù)的顧問對(duì)他們進(jìn)行各方面的綜合素質(zhì)測(cè)評(píng),然后由顧問再度面試,面試是為了發(fā)現(xiàn)人才真實(shí)的一面,篩選出較為合適的人選。對(duì)于可能合適的人選還要進(jìn)行進(jìn)一步的背景調(diào)查,比如從他現(xiàn)在所在圈子中調(diào)查,再 從他以前工作過的企業(yè)了解,看看這人在以往的職業(yè)生涯中的職業(yè)操守、業(yè)績(jī)表現(xiàn)、人際關(guān)系等等方面的狀況。當(dāng)然在搜索人才和背景調(diào)查時(shí)都是在相當(dāng)保密的前提下進(jìn)行,以免給候選人帶來負(fù)面影響。
After contacting a group of candidates who are interested in contacting, it is to arrange an interview at a place. Generally, there is a "small requirement" when meeting, that is, bring all your resumes and certificates, so that you can measure their weight when meeting. Before the formal interview, the consultant specializing in evaluation technology generally evaluates their comprehensive quality in all aspects, and then the chief consultant interviews again. The interview is to find the real side of talents and select more suitable candidates. Further background checks are needed for possible candidates, such as the investigation from his current circle, and from his previous occupation of the enterprise, to see the occupation ethics, performance, interpersonal relationship and other aspects of his career in the past. Of course, the search for talents and background investigation are carried out under the premise of considerable confidentiality, so as not to have a negative impact on candidates.
當(dāng)然,能入獵頭“法眼”的人才一般職位不低、待遇優(yōu)厚,要“挖走”他們,其難度可想而知,面試之后其實(shí)更多是“說服”工 作,向人才分析他目前職位再做下去以后是怎樣的發(fā)展?fàn)顩r,而到新職位又將帶來怎樣的發(fā)展前景,用薪酬和事業(yè)發(fā)展來吸引其流動(dòng)。
Of course, senior talents who can enter the "magic eye" of headhunting generally have high positions and generous treatment. It is conceivable that it is difficult to "poach" them. In fact, after the interview, they are more "persuasive" to analyze the development status of their current position and the development prospects of their new position, Use salary and career development to attract their mobility.
Objective talent "packaging"
如有必要,對(duì)被選出的人才,獵頭還會(huì)進(jìn)行一定程度的“包裝”,比如一些很有實(shí)力的人才,但在制作簡(jiǎn)歷、面試時(shí)的言談舉止等方 面并不一定擅長(zhǎng),顧問便給予建議,幫助他們突出適合該崗位的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)。但這種包裝切忌摻入夸張和虛假成份。
If necessary, the headhunter will also "package" the selected talents to a certain extent, such as some powerful talents, but they are not necessarily good at making resumes and speaking and behaving during the interview. The consultant will give professional suggestions to help them highlight the competitive advantage suitable for the post. But this kind of packaging must not be mixed with exaggeration and falsehood.
Recommend talents to employers
Recommend several selected candidates to the employer and ask the senior management of the employer to conduct interview selection. If the employer is not satisfied or the recommended talents are not satisfied with the enterprise, the headhunter will continue to search, interview and recommend until suitable talents are found.
Assist in resignation and entry procedures
當(dāng)用人單位與人才雙方都滿意并確定聘用關(guān)系后,該人才便面臨如何順利辭去原職的問題,因?yàn)槭歉邔?,辭職十分敏感,稍有不慎都可能引起負(fù)面的風(fēng)波,給原企業(yè)和自己帶來損失,獵頭顧問便可根據(jù)的經(jīng)驗(yàn)提供建議,怎樣皆大歡喜地全身而退。而人才履新也面臨 怎樣適應(yīng)新環(huán)境、熟悉新崗位的問題,獵頭顧問因有前期調(diào)查摸底,也可提供有關(guān)建議。除此之外,獵頭還可協(xié)助其辦理相關(guān)手續(xù)。在人才就職時(shí),一般將進(jìn)行獵才費(fèi)用的結(jié)算。
When both the employer and the talent are satisfied and the employment relationship is determined, the talent will face the problem of how to smoothly resign from his original position. Because he is a senior level, his resignation is very sensitive, and a slight carelessness may cause a negative storm and bring losses to the original enterprise and himself. The headhunting consultant can provide suggestions based on professional experience and how to leave with joy. In addition, talents are also faced with the problem of how to adapt to the new environment and get familiar with new posts. Headhunting consultants can also provide relevant suggestions due to preliminary investigation. In addition, headhunters can also assist them in handling relevant procedures. When talents take office, they will generally settle the hunting expenses.
The above is Jinan headhunting company http://americangoldsavings.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call for consultation!