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首頁 > 新聞資訊招聘中HR喜歡聽到的面試答案!
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-05-07
If you want to win the favor of HR in the interview, you should let HR hear the answers he wants to hear. What questions will HR ask? How can we answer that?
Question 1: introduce yourself
This problem seems simple, but in fact it is complex. HR can not only make a simple understanding of the job seeker, but also make a judgment on the logical language ability of the job seeker through this problem.
作為求職者要做的便是條理清晰,把自己想要表達(dá)的表達(dá)清楚。另外要明確一點(diǎn),所謂介紹一下自己并不是要把你的所有經(jīng)歷都介紹一遍,重 點(diǎn)介紹一下你是哪里人、學(xué)歷的以及工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)就可以了。人力資源面試官關(guān)注的是求職者的經(jīng)歷是否與所招的職位匹配,不要說太多沒用的,會顯得啰嗦,別人也沒興趣聽。
As a job seeker, what we need to do is to be clear and clear, and express what we want to express clearly. In addition, to be clear, the so-called introduction of yourself is not to introduce all your experiences, but to focus on where you come from, your education background, major and work experience. Human resource interviewers focus on whether the experience of the job seeker matches the position. Don't say too much useless, it will appear wordy, and other people are not interested in listening.
Question 2: what have you done?
If you don't mention your work experience when you introduce yourself, you don't have to worry. HR will also ask this question. On this issue, human resource interviewers want to know about the job related to the position you are interviewing, so there is no need to say anything else.
When introducing the relevant work experience, you can focus on your own ability advantages, which is also very helpful for job hunting.
Question 3: what do you know about our company?
This is easy for many job seekers to ignore. Even some job seekers only know the name of the company when they are interviewing, and they don't know anything else. This is not right. You may be able to submit your resume blindly, but when you invite an interview, you must know something about the company you are going to interview.
On the one hand, let HR know that you are prepared, on the other hand, it is easy to deepen the impression.
Question 4: what are your shortcomings?
Many job seekers are at a loss when they hear this question, because they don't know what HR wants. Do you really want to say your own shortcomings or beautify it? Because you don't understand the purpose of HR problems, you make the wrong choice.
On the shortage of job seekers can be clearly said, or that sentence should be related to the work. Will HR really study the advantages and disadvantages of job seekers? Of course not. I just want to see a person's attitude.
Question 5: Why did you leave your last company?
In recent years, with people's thinking more and more active, there are many different views on a problem, and even some wonderful ideas are easy to be accepted. Take the popular reasons for leaving in recent years for example: the world is so big, I want to see it; My chest is so big, the company can't hold it, and so on. These have really attracted people's attention on the Internet, and maybe some enterprises also accept them.
But if you really say these reasons to the interviewer, the probability of being accepted will not be too high. Sometimes people should be honest, but honesty doesn't mean being stupid. There are really irresistible reasons that can be said, such as the company's bankruptcy and the need to change the environment. These reasons can be said. Don't say that you can't work well or can't deal with the relationship with the leader. Once these words are exported, be ready to be passed.
The above is a summary of several questions frequently asked by HR and the answers HR wants to hear, hoping to help you job seekers.