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首頁 > 新聞資訊沒有離職證明的員工能讓他入職嗎?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2021-03-02
What can we do for those employees who really can't provide proof of resignation? The following is the headhunting company's suggestion that we refer to the following ways to reduce legal risks.
1、 必要的背景調查
1. Necessary background checks
First of all, communicate with employees to understand the reasons why they can not provide, and do the corresponding background investigation. What is the structure of the original company? How many people are there in each department? Who is the boss? Who is the vice president? Who was HR recruited at that time? Can you provide the contact numbers of some colleagues in the original company? Can you provide the company's fixed line telephone?
The most important thing is to investigate their work performance. Even if everything is true, if they only know how to talk and have no real ability, everything will be zero. Multi party inspection, inspection and judgment of the information provided by employees can greatly reduce the risk.
2. Verification of relevant certificates
Generally speaking, HR will require employees to provide ID card, education certificate, resume, employee information form, resignation proof photo and other relevant documents during the check-in process, and verify them. It mainly focuses on the authenticity of relevant certificates (education background, professional qualification, resume, etc.) of employees, and whether to terminate the labor contract with the previous company.
3. Check for violations
In the era of Internet, many enterprises will cooperate with the local public security bureau. New employees will use the "ID card scanner" to scan the identity of the job seeker before entering the job, and then send the information to the Public Security Bureau. If the job seeker has a criminal record or is a fugitive arrested by the Public Security Bureau, we can receive a notice before the employee enters the job, so as to avoid these undesirable elements from entering the company.
4. Require employee to issue letter of commitment
After the back transfer, the company can ask the employee to provide a letter of commitment, promise that he has no labor relationship or labor relationship with other units, and guarantee that the company will not violate any non competition obligation of the original unit. Otherwise, the employee shall bear all the consequences.
If we have done in-depth background investigation, and the employees are competent for the present work, and the employees are willing to sign the letter of commitment, the company can still let the employees in.
Generally speaking, the human resources department needs to strictly control the entry of new employees through various ways and channels to prevent those who do not meet the requirements of the company from entering the company. If it is too late to take remedial measures after such personnel enter the company. Thank you for reading, I hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click: Jinan headhunting company http://americangoldsavings.com  .