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首頁 > 新聞資訊HR到底喜歡什么樣的簡歷?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2020-08-11
  A good resume is a stepping stone for us to open the job opportunities. How the resume is written often determines whether we can get the interview opportunity in the process of applying for a job. So what kind of resume does HR like? Here's how to write a popular resume.
  The resume is targeted for the position to be applied for. Most of the time, HR needs to check a lot of resumes in a day. If you show what HR wants to see with simple and concise words, then this resume is more likely to be favored. In short, this resume and the position to be applied for are targeted, can meet the "recruitment needs", full of relevant recruitment keywords, then the probability of passing the pass will be higher.
  Resume with relevant working experience or "highlight" experience. Generally speaking, HR will pay attention to whether the work experience and professional skills are similar to the responsibilities of the position recruited. Try to describe your work specifically, such as the harvest, experience and achievements obtained in the work. Take an example for each job to show your achievements, so that HR can have a more in-depth and intuitive understanding of your work experience. If students have little work experience, internship can be highlighted. In fact, the nature or content of internship is similar to many jobs, which require self-discipline to accomplish multiple tasks. You may also have learned many things that are directly related to the job you are applying for. These things must be reflected in the technical column, just as you can reflect the relevant work experience in the work experience column.
  Highlight the community. For example, having served as president (or founding a club) in a club sometimes represents leadership ability. Arranging activities such as Cross School friendship, building and teaching cooperation independently or through team cooperation may represent coordination, negotiation, team attention, or market development ability. The way to fill in the club experience can effectively help supervisors guess your personal characteristics It is also an indicator of individuality and development. However, it should be noted that not every club experience is helpful to job seekers, and not every school activity has a positive significance. It is suggested that graduates should do a little sorting and selection when dealing with this part.
  Resume with proper photos. No matter how beautiful, a vigorous professional photo, will give your resume a lot of points, will let people think your professionalism is good! Although many people don't think it's necessary to post a photo on your resume, I strongly recommend that you choose a photo that looks very decent and professional, and it's better to stick it on your resume in 2 inches rather than 1 inch. Photos will make HR who sift resumes feel friendly and relaxed.
  Many people like to print "resume" on a single page, like the cover of a book. No matter how beautiful the cover is, I want to say: what does it mean to prove "I am qualified"?! It's a waste of paper!
  Pay attention to the beauty and tidiness of typesetting. Resume is also the same as people, in addition to the content, but also pay attention to appearance. For example, the following unique places:?
  * 打印紙和大部分應(yīng)聘者使用的普通白紙不同,當(dāng)然了,也不是彩色紙。?
  *Printing paper is different from the ordinary white paper used by most candidates. Of course, it is definitely not color paper. ?
  * 字體和大部分應(yīng)聘者所使用的宋體中文或者Times New Roman英文有差別,舉個例子,你可以把宋體和楷體兩種字體結(jié)合起來。?
  *The font is different from the song style Chinese or Times New Roman English used by most candidates. For example, you can combine the two fonts. ?
  * 通過暗格和影格讓自己的簡歷看上與眾不同。?
  *Make your resume look different through the dark and Photo format. ?