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首頁(yè) > 服務(wù)優(yōu)勢(shì)獵頭如何做好職位分析?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2023-01-20
Position analysis means that headhunters use various scientific tools, channels and methods to comprehensively analyze, describe and record the purpose, main responsibilities, work content, scope of authority, structural relationship, working environment, working conditions, talent map, salary level, etc. of the recruitment position of the recruitment unit (that is, "customer"), so as to confirm whether the recruitment position is operable and clarify the direction of the position. Jinan Headhunting Company will analyze for you:
Generally speaking, senior headhunters usually conduct job analysis from the following dimensions, including: company and industry information analysis, job demand and job analysis, organizational structure analysis, salary and welfare analysis, etc. Each dimension also contains different levels of content.
1、 Analysis of company and industry information
The analysis of company information is mainly based on the company's basic situation, corporate culture, company performance, development history, product and business distribution, business model and industrial chain, organizational structure, advantages and disadvantages, corporate culture, recent major events, etc.
The basic information of the company is the content that we need to focus on. The level of understanding of the company information determines our control of the position and the candidate. It is also the key that we can extract the attraction of the company and thus impress the candidate. Therefore, when understanding the company's information, we must be "comprehensive.
2、 Position demand and position analysis
To understand the job needs and job analysis, you can circle a general search direction before the project starts, such as age, gender, education, marriage and other rigid needs, and you can exclude some inappropriate candidates. It usually includes the following aspects: recruitment reason, demand reason, ability, education background, employment tendency, other requirements, search channel, position advantages and disadvantages and differences, candidate industry and company, candidate portrait, etc.
3、 Organizational structure analysis
The purpose of understanding the organizational structure is, on the one hand, to understand the candidate's future work environment and predict the problems that may be encountered in the work process. On the other hand, it is also to help enterprises and candidates choose a "partner" that is "in tune", reduce the turnover rate of enterprises, and increase the probability of candidates' over-insurance.
4、 Compensation and welfare
This part is very important. No matter what reason the candidates consider transferring, salary is a must to be discussed. It is necessary to understand clearly what the salary range of the enterprise is, how much the enterprise can give, and what the standard of high salary can be given. At the same time, it is also necessary to judge whether the salary is reasonable and in line with the market. If the salary is too low, I will directly tell HR that the salary can not be recruited. At present, what is the reasonable annual salary range for this position, and communicate with HR to adjust the salary.
The salary and welfare can be divided into: basic annual salary (how many months), bonus, option, subsidy (meal allowance, transportation, communication), welfare and others (such as social security payment, pre-tax/post-tax).
In addition, headhunters should avoid those pitfalls when conducting job analysis, such as the basic information of the job, and the lack of knowledge of customers leads to the opposite direction. In the early preparation stage, relevant data will be prepared according to the position, and data will be supplemented continuously with the adjustment of the position progress and direction. If you have any questions, come to us http://americangoldsavings.com Ask about it!