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首頁 > 服務優(yōu)勢什么是獵頭?獵頭是干啥的?
來源:http://americangoldsavings.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2022-10-10
Although the headhunting industry is flourishing, many people do not know what headhunters do. Next, Shandong Headhunting Company will explain it to you.
Put it more generally
Facing enterprises: headhunters help enterprises to recruit talents, that is, to recruit agents. Enterprises open positions to headhunters, who match the right talents according to their talent portraits. Recommend the resumes of the talents who are interested and meet the talent portrait to the enterprise, and the enterprise will interview the talents according to the resumes.
Facing talents: headhunters are partners who recommend high-quality opportunities.
The partner contacted by the headhunter, congratulations, you are already a talent in the eyes of the headhunter. When a headhunter contacts you, he must take a high-quality opportunity to recommend it to you, so don't reject headhunters. It's a good choice to make friends with them. Even if you don't see the opportunity now, you can contact them at a time when you want to see the opportunity, and you can get a lot of industry information through them.
什么是中高 端人才?中高 端指的是人才在公司的職位是經(jīng)理或總監(jiān)以上級別,在公司發(fā)揮著重要的作用;這類職位的人才年薪相對較高,肯定在15-20W以上。
What are medium and high-end talents? Middle and high end refers to the position of talents in the company is at or above the level of manager or director, playing an important role in the company; The annual salary of talents in this type of position is relatively high, which must be above 15-20W.
Why are headhunters suitable for middle and senior positions? The fee standard for headhunters is relatively high. It is very inappropriate to recruit headhunters for low-end positions, and the cost performance ratio is low. Talents in middle and high end positions play an important role in the enterprise and can bring more benefits to the enterprise. All middle and high end positions are suitable for recruitment by headhunters, while low-end positions are not.
Do headhunters cooperate with any enterprise? According to Xiao Bian's understanding, headhunters cooperate with medium and large enterprises. Large and medium-sized enterprises have a certain scale, relatively complete management system, and a certain degree of popularity, so it is relatively easy to recruit talents. The headhunting cost is high, and the budget of medium and large enterprises is relatively loose.
What is a headhunter? What do headhunters do? We have learned that if you want to be a headhunter or need the help of a headhunter, you can come to our website directly http://americangoldsavings.com Contact for consultation!